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The naturopath, nd

 As far back as I can remember, I have always seen things differently or beyond what seems normal to us in life. I started having gastrointestinal and blood sugar issues quite early on. The search for effective solutions and my thirst for scientific understanding led me to naturopathic medicine. Realizing that nature provides for everything and that physical and psychic disorders come in large part from disregarding the laws of nature and our own nature, I became interested in naturopathy and its philosophy. Our body will seek at all costs to find its balance in connection with its vitality and its functioning and it is by respecting and honoring these laws that we will succeed in achieving well-being!


I graduated from the École d’enseignement supérieur de naturopathie du Québec in 2014 and I use a global and personalized approach, because each person is unique and must receive the care that is appropriate.

The mention ND which follows the name of the naturopath, is French for Naturopathe Diplômé meaning graduated naturopath. This confirms that he / she has obtained his / her diploma in naturopathy after having completed a minimum of 4 theoretical and practical years  in naturopathic study, within a recognized institution fulfilling strict criteria.


Photo credit: Marjolaine Desfossés, MDPhotographie

The Reiki Master

By the desire to return to the source and to find my true nature, I realized that we are spiritual beings living a human experience! On a completely different level and following difficult trials and bereavement my spiritual and energetic quest led me to Reiki. In addition to forming an integral part of nature, humans are beings created by the energy of the universe. We all come from the same source which is the source of all life in the universe (or the Life Force) and we are all connected. The universe is a network and every being is its center! (1) It is by combining the two philosophies that I aim to reach each being in its entirety while respecting the uniqueness of each individual!


I accompany you in all aspects of your life and your being, at the physical, emotional, energetic and spiritual levels!

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Photo credit: Marjolaine Desfossés, MDPhotographie

I did my Reiki Master classes according to HolyFire / Usui Shiki Ryoho / Tibetan teachings and healing protocols!

  1. Extract from the book “Dying to be me” by Anita Moorjani, published by Hay House, March 2012.

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